Well...where to start? JK lol I've been busy with school and work, so working on flash related projects went on hold. I got a better idea than just making a flash cartoon! One evening, while on dA I flipped thru my favorites, and then went to one of the creations. Pacthesis, is one of the people I watch...she has made some good stuff over the last few years, and one thing she'll do from time to time is--a flash book.
Now, a flash book(like a picture book, but with back and forward buttons), I've done something like this for a class in high school, but with powerpoint and it was for little kids. Since I'm still learning in flash, I decided to do something simple, and so far one idea is working well in this situation. The "One afternoon" is going better as a flash book than just a flash cartoon. Also, this is giving me practice with buttons, so I'll have a nack with button making, and I'll be able to do even more cool stuff in the future!
I may do some more stuff like this for a while, as it's different and just challenging enough for me right now. Also, gives me a chance to improve drawing with my wacom tablet--as I got a little rusty over the last couple of months. lol But, that's what up with me, and just look forward to my creations!
So, here's the cover of the "Flash book"
Sounds nice, is there going to be a theme to the flash book?
Well, it's fictional for one. It involves two of my own characters on a somewhat normal afternoon for them. It's somewhat short, but it's my first time doing something like this on flash. I hope you enjoy it! :D